Abstracts for either oral or poster presentation consideration are welcome. In order to ensure a consistent layout for publishing of your abstract, we have provided below instructions and an example of a properly formatted abstract (here). The deadline for abstract submission is 31th July, 2023. All accepted abstracts accompanied only with a proper registration will be published in the ICPSBB 2023 book of abstracts.
* Abstracts (.doc or .docx) should be submitted to icpsbb@gmail.com until 31th July, 2023.
Guidelines for Abstract preparation to be presented at ICPSBB 2023
– The abstract must be written in English.
– Title should be typed in capital letters, using Times New Roman, in bold (14 pt font size) and centered.
– The authors’ full names in lower case (12 pt font) should be given along with their full affiliation details. In case of multiple authors, name of the presenting author should be underlined.
– Words count for each abstract should not exceed 250 words (incl. acknowledgements if any; except for the references). The aim of the work, the methods used and the main results with eventual conclusions should be placed here.
– Up to 3 references are allowed (Times New Roman, 11 pt font size), formatted according to the example in the provided template file.
– The text should be single spaced and justified. Chemical nomenclature should be in accordance with the systematic rules adopted by IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts.
Important: Each registered author is allowed to have maximum 2 presentations (oral or poster). Co-authorship, however, is not affected by this limit.
** At the end of your abstract, please choose on of the following options:
I wish my abstract to be considered for presentation as:
- either oral or poster
- poster presentation only
- oral (preferred)
*** Please kindly note that the abstracts, not prepared in accordance with the guidelines given above will be sent back to the authors for revisions